PapaBear's Happy Parenting Rules
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This little book is based upon common-sense rules of parenting that I set up for myself, from a very young age by observation, long before I became a parent myself. Since I felt that these were common-sense rules, I never thought they were worth writing about.
What precipitated the decision to write this book was when I recently came across a book by an American woman of Chinese parentage who was proudly called a 'Tiger Mom'!
I was shocked at the book and decided that it was time I published a happy alternative way of parenting which has served me well both as a parent and a grandparent.
So, this little book is born out of my indignation and disgust at what some people consider to be good parenting!
'Papa Bear's Happy Parenting Rules' will help parents who struggle with finding a good balance between love and discipline.
Parents don't have to become a 'Tiger Mum' or a 'Pussycat Dad'. Instead, they can avoid both extremes and choose the middle way - by following the Papa Bear approach!